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NECC's Rebate Offers

At NECC we know driving on a road course is a blast! Driving with friends is even better!  Doing both and saving money is the best.  So bring your friends who are new to NECC and save the most.  Here are the rebates NECC is offering to you this year.  And yes, you can take advantage of both!

Rebate #1:  If you bring any number of first-time NECC drivers to either of our events this year, and if each of them registers and pays the entry fee, we will rebate $50 to each of you within 30 days after the event where you have driven.

Rebate #2:  If five or more drivers from the same car club register and pay for either of our events this year, we will rebate $50 to each one of you – or if you prefer –we will rebate the equivalent amount of money to your club treasurer in an equal amount.  You can use this as a fund raiser for your club!

How to Apply:  When you arrive at the track, report immediately to the registration table to check in.  If you are applying for Rebates #2 and/or #3, bring the other drivers with you and have them check-in at the same time.  The NECC registrar will confirm the rebates to which you are entitled.

How You Will Receive the Rebates:   After the event is over, we will provide the rebate as a credit back to the credit card account you used to pay for your registration.  Or if you paid with cash or check, we will send the rebate check to you.

So bring your friends and save with NECC!

If you have questions, please CLICK HERE to contact us.
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