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High Performance Driving with Time Trials.  Approx. 7 AM to 5 PM.


1.  Registration.  Drivers can register and pay online, or at the track on the day of the event. Look for “Early Registration” and other discounts.

2.  Tech Inspection.  You must have your car safety inspected with an NECC Tech Inspection form before arriving at the track.  Bring that form with you completely filled out and signed by the inspector which can be you.  Present your car with the filled-out Tech form and your helmet to an NECC representative first thing in the morning.  He or she will review it with you and do a final check of things like brake lights, seat belts, all loose objects removed, valid Snell-rated helmets, etc.  Roll bars are required at all tracks for all convertibles. (Factory roll bars are generally acceptable).  Mufflers required at most tracks.  Check on the track’s website to be sure.

    NECC reserves the right to reject any car that does not meet our tech inspection requirements.

3.  Mandatory Drivers Meeting.  A review of track rules, flagging, passing regulations, corner work assignments when needed, and hints for negotiating the course.

4.  Group Practice Sessions.  Drivers are assigned to either Group A, Group B or Group C.  Each group goes out on the track for its own twenty-minute/get-acquainted session, one group at a time, to get a feel for the track.  After that, it’s “open track” until timed laps begin.

5.  Open Track:  (Occurs after all three Groups have had their twenty-minute session). Drivers line up their cars in pit lane and are released onto the track by the Track Marshall at the next safe opening. Drivers can cycle off and back onto the track at will during the duration of the open track session using this same procedure.

6.  Lunch Break.  Track is closed for one hour around noon.

7.  Open Track Resumes.  More open track driving in the afternoon continues until timed laps begin.

8.  Timed Laps.  Time Trials (Official Timed Laps):  Timings begin later in the afternoon. You can get in line whenever you are ready.  Each car gets 1 warm-up lap, 2 timed laps, and after a checkered Flag, take 1 more cool-down lap.  During the timing only two cars are out on the track at any given moment, so they don’t encounter each other.  But if you do catch the car ahead of you, do not pass, just stay out at speed for another clean lap, until we give you the checkered flag.

Have a brochure!

Click right here to download a copy of the NECC High Speed Events brochure!  (It's a pdf file).

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