
Membership Benefits

These are the many benefits CORSA Members enjoy...

CORSA Chapter Network

CORSA boasts a network of over 125 local and special interest clubs; Covering 45 states as well as Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands, and France.

Parts and Repair Network

The CORSA website lists over 30 expert parts suppliers and repair facilities located throughout the US and Canada, many of which ship parts world-wide.

Annual Conventions

Every year, CORSA sponsors a multi-day convention packed with activities typically including a concours show, rally, economy run, autocross, awards banquet and more.  Locations are rotated across the USA.

Award-winning Club Magazine

The CORSA Communique is our multiple award-winning, full feature magazine packed with features about Corvairs, historial articles, and technical tips. For a sample CLICK HERE!.

Tech Article Search Function

Our website has a lookup function that enables members to find just about every tech article ever published in the CORSA Communique, going all the way back to 1971.  (There are over 1,800 of them).  Users can search using a drop-down list of topics or wildcards.  In return the search function presents a list of all CORSA Communiques containing relevant articles, along with hyperlinks that enable users to download them with just a click of the mouse. 

CORSA Publication Archives

Members also have online access to a complete archive of all CORSA publications, including newsletters, magazines and more going back to 1969.

Additional information on web site features available to members can be found here:

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