CORSA Headlines

Click on any one of these headlines for more information!

 2024 CORSA Convention News & Photos
 CORSA Board Motion: 2023-06.  Approval of Directors Code of Conduct.
.CPF Board Motion 2024-01.  Approval of New CPF Bylaws.
 CORSA Board Motion 2024-01.  Indemnification of CORSA Directors
 CORSA Board Motion 2024-02.  Presentation of Amended & Restated Bylaws Proposal
 CORSA Board Motion 2024-02 Update.  Membership Approval of Amended & Restated Bylaws
 2024 Election of CORSA Directors  (Results)
 CORSA Board Motion 2024-04. Election of CORSA Officers  (Results) 
 CORSA Board Motion 2024-05.  Election of CPF President  (Results).
 CORSA Board Motion 2024-06.  Appointment of Additional CPF Trustees  (Results).
 A1 Auto Transport Joins CORSA's List of Advertisers.
 50% Discount for Mecum Auction Bidders
 Updated Valve Cover Racing Guidelines
 Corvair Basics Book Offer Extended through 2024
 Be a Corvair Preservation Foundation Member

 CORSA Convention News and Photos!
Well, the 2024 CORSA Convention is over and a it was a good one!  Hundreds of photos have been posted on Facebook and on the online Corvair forums.  There will be plenty of articles about it in an upcoming issue of the CORSA Communique magazine.  We heartily thank the Dayton Corvair Club, Corvair Club of Cincinnati, and the Mid-Ohio Vair Force Corvair club for a wonderful affair!
UPDATE!  Photos from the convention are now available!  CORSA Director Dean Gembling posted a bunch of them on a special website he created.   Here's the link!  No need to log-in!  Just visit the site and enjoy the photos!

Dean F. Gemberling
Box Springs, Georgia
Heart of Georgia Webmaster
CORSA Director - Eastern Div 


CORSA Motion: 2023-06.  Directors Code of Conduct.

The purpose of this motion was to approve a new policy document to memorialize a Code of Conduct developed by CORSA President Paul Sergent and distributed to members of the CORSA and CPF Boards of Directors by way of email on August 2, 2023.  Background: The proposed Code of Conduct policy document sets forth expectations for Board of Directors actions and behaviors. The requirement for board members to acknowledge (in writing) and comply with a code of conduct of this kind is typical of for-profit and non-profit organizations.  Motion made by: Josh Deitcher.  Motion seconded by: Jeannette Alberte.  Motion passed unanimously by a count of raised hands at the September 5, 2023 Board meeting.   Status: A copy of the Code of Conduct has been posted among the Governance pages of the CORSA website.

Link to the Code of Conduct:  LOGIN REQUIRED!

If you don't log-in with your username and password, the path to the Code of Conduct will not appear!  

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CPF Motion 2024-01. Approval of New CPF Bylaws.

Director David Dean made a motion to approve new bylaws for the Corvair Preservation Foundation. The motion was seconded by Director Josh Deitcher. Eight Directors voted to approve this motion, two voted against and one abstained. The new bylaws were made effective August 1, 2024 in accordance with their terms.

Purpose: The new bylaws set forth a method for selecting members of the CPF Board of Trustees (formerly known as “Directors), electing CPF officers, streamlining CPF operations by reducing the Board from twelve members to five, and define the relationship between CPF and CORSA while empowering staff in the ways they are already operating.

Manner of Acting: The new bylaws were developed and approved in accordance with the now-superseded version of the CPF bylaws: “Article XII: Amendments to By-Laws of the Current Bylaws: These by-Iaws may be altered, amended, or repealed, and new by-Iaws may be adopted by a majority of Directors voting by any accepted method, provided a quorum has been met, and provided that at least 15 days written notice is given of intention to alter, amend, or repeal and to adopt new by-laws.”

Link to the New CPF Bylaws:  LOGIN REQUIRED!

If you don't log-in with your username and password, the path to the Code of Conduct will not appear!

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CORSA Motion 2024-01.  Indemnification of Board Members

The purpose of this motion before the CORSA Board of Directors was to approve and sanction a proposed policy document that would require the Society to indemnify its directors, officers and agents against costs incurred by them due to claims made by either a third party or the Society itself. The title of the proposed policy is “Policy for Indemnification of Directors & Others”.

Background:  Prior to the passing of this motion, CORSA had no official policy or procedure regarding the subject matter of Motion 2024-01.  Although the Society’s insurance policy for Directors and Officers provides the financial protection that would be afforded by the proposed policy document, there was no requirement for the Society to keep that insurance policy intact. 

Outcome:  The motion to approve was made by Directors Allan Lacki and seconded by Director Steve Lubliner. Of the eleven people currently on the CORSA Board of Directors, ten voted “Yes” to approve and one – the CORSA President – abstained. Motion passes.

The “Policy for Indemnification of Directors & Others”, having been duly approved, has been posted on the CORSA website ( under “CORSA Rules, Forms, Etc.” For those not having internet access, individual copies will be mailed upon request.

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CORSA Motion 2024-02.  Presentation of Proposed Bylaws to CORSA Members

The purpose of this motion before the CORSA Board of Directors was to approve the presentation of a new bylaws document to CORSA members for their approval. The proposed changes are encapsulated in a single amended and restated bylaws document


A number of changes in the proposed bylaws reflect societal and technology changes. These include making the document gender neutral, recognizing social media as a means of communication, and stating specific uses for member data. Other proposed bylaws changes are in response to members’ concerns; these include stabilizing the voting schedule, specifying when new Directors are seated, and the reinstatement of term limits for the Directors, President, and Treasurer. The number of Directors will be reduced from twelve to nine to reflect the number of members currently within CORSA. Obsolete elements of the bylaws, e.g. establishment of “Regions” (not to be confused with Divisions) and dormant committees, were deleted.


The motion to approve was made by Director Steve Lubliner and seconded by Director Allan Lacki. Of the eleven people currently on the CORSA Board of Directors, nine voted “Yes” to approve, one voted “No” and one – the CORSA President – abstained. Motion passes.

Next Step:

The proposed amended and restated bylaws shall be presented in their entirety in a future issue of the CORSA Communique magazine and on the CORSA website at Ballots for membership approval shall be provided in both locations. The vote shall be conducted in accordance with Article XV of the current bylaws. Article XV requires a two-thirds majority voting in the affirmative for a bylaws amendment to become effective.

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CORSA Motion 2024-02 (Update) Membership Approval of New CORSA Bylaws

On April 20 2024, the CORSA Board of Directors posted an online ballot seeking membership approval of amended and restated bylaws for the Corvair Society of America.  A paper version of the same ballot was subsequently published in the May 2024 issue of the CORSA Communique magazine.  The voting period remained open until July 1.  Votes were counted several days later to allow for postal delays.  The approval process was in accordance with the then-current bylaws.

Here are the vote tallies:

  Online Paper Total
Approve 146 69 215
Not Approve  9 2 11

The ballot was approved by an overwhelming majority.  Therefore, the new bylaws are now in effect.  Click or tap HERE to download a copy  (Login required).

Purpose and Effect: Reinstate term limits for directors. Reduce the number of directors from twelve to nine. Establish fixed dates for the nomination, election and seating of directors. Recognize email, teleconferencing and videoconferencing as valid means of conducting official business. Require community guidelines to assure mutual respect between members and their membership rights. Establish rules for the use of members’ personally-identifiable information. Delete references to obsolete committees. Etc.

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CORSA Motion 2024-03. Approval of CORSA Community Guidelines

The purpose of this motion before the CORSA Board of Directors was to approve and sanction a proposed policy document that would establish CORSA members’ rights and responsibilities with special regard to the level of personal respect to be accorded in interactions between them as required by Article IV Section 4.8 of the Amended and Restated Bylaws. In accordance with the bylaws, Director Allan Lacki prepared a draft with the title, “Community Guidelines".

Director Steve Lubliner made a motion to approve the draft and make it an official CORSA policy document. Director Mike Hall seconded the motion. After discussion, a vote was taken. 9 Directors voted to approve the draft. 1 Director voted to not approve the draft. President Paul Sergeant abstained in accordance with the rules governing his position. The motion passes. A copy of the Community Guidelines has been posted on the CORSA website in the Governance section under Policies & Procedures.

Link to the Community Guidelines document:  LOGIN REQUIRED!

If you don't log-in with your username and password, the path to the Code of Conduct will not appear!  

The policy document discussed here is separate and apart from the “Community Guidelines” that appear on the Corvair Center Forum.

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2024 Election of CORSA Directors  (Results)

Please congratulate the following electees!

Eastern Division: Dean Gemberling and Titus Stewart

Central Division: Larry Claypool

Western Division: Dave Watson

Also, please thank the other two candidates for throwing their hats into the ring. Jack Green and Greg Vargas are both highly qualified and are to be applauded for their devotion to CORSA's mission and management. Dean, Larry and Dave will take their seats during the August 6th Zoom meeting of the Board. Titus is an incumbent, so he's already on the Board.

A total of 525 votes were cast, 217 in the Eastern Division, 227 in the Central Division and 81 in the Western Division. Of the 525, 420 were cast online using the CORSA website. 105 votes were cast via U.S. Postal on the paper ballot forms printed in the Communique.

In years past, several members voted across Division lines, not only for candidates in their own Division, but also for candidates in the other two Divisions. This year, there were only nine such cases and, because the number was low, it was easy to identify their respective Divisions and count their votes appropriately. All nine cases involved paper ballots. This year, safeguards were put in place on the online ballot web page to prevent cross-Division voting.

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CORSA Motion 2024-04.  Annual Election of CORSA Officers

Director Steve Lubliner made a motion to elect the following directors as officers: President: Titus Stewart, Vice President: Steve Lubliner, Treasurer: Jeannette Alberte, and Secretary: David Dean. The motion was seconded by Director David Dean. No other candidates came forward. The motion passed by acclamation.  


CORSA Motion 2024-05.  Election of CPF President
Director Steve Lubliner made a motion to elect Director Larry Claypool as Trustee and President of the Corvair Preservation Foundation.  No other candidates came forward.  The motion was deemed in accordance with CPF Bylaws Article V Section 2 “Election and Term Office, President”..  The motion passed by acclamation. 

CORSA Motion 2024-06.  Appointment of Additional CPF Trustees
Director Titus Stewart made a motion to appoint Directors David Dean, Bill Hubbell, and Paul Sergeant as Trustees to the Corvair Preservation Foundation.  Director Larry Claypool seconded the motion.  No other candidates were mentioned.  The motion was deemed in accordance with CPF Bylaws Article V Section 2 “Composition, Tenure and Qualifications”.  The motion passed by acclamation.


A1 Auto Transport Services

In exchange for a annual payment to the CORSA treasury, we have posted an ad for A1 Auto Transport on the CORSA website home page.  Click HERE and you will be directed to their website.   A-1 also provided an informative five-page article about shipping Corvairs using carrier services like theirs.  Click HERE for a copy of that article!

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50% Discount for Mecum Auction Bidders

Once again, CORSA has partnered with Mecum Auctions.  Mecum is offering a 50% discount on the price for registering to attend any of their auctions in 2024.  Click HERE for more information including the Mecum Promo Code and step-by-step instructions!
Valve Cover Racing Guidelines
In September 2023, the Board approved an update to CORSA's Valve Cover Racing Guidelines.  They provide specifications for the cars, track and heats.
Link to the revised Valve Cover Racing Guidelines:
Corvair Basics Book Offer Extended Through 2024

For 2024, we are extending the popular “Corvair Basics” book offer. Brand-new first-time members of CORSA members who opt for the Paper Option will receive a free copy.

Corvair Basics is a 190 page technical manual for anyone new to Corvairs or thinking about Corvair ownership. This book is a compendium of articles written by acknowledged experts and covering all aspects of Corvair repair, maintenance and restoration.

This is an especially useful resource for anybody who is new to the Corvair hobby.

Residents in the USA will receive the paper version via US Postal. Residents outside the USA will receive it as a PDF. Please allow four weeks for shipping.

corvair basics book cover sm

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Become a Member of the Corvair Preservation Foundation

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We invite you to become a member of the Corvair Preservation Foundation.  The CPF operates the National Corvair Museum and maintains the Frank Winchell Memorial Scholarship Program.

These are annual memberships that offer unlimited museum access and a very convenient way for everyone to help support the CPF and keep the museum open for all to see and enjoy.

Our museum exhibits are always changing so visiting often has a different perspective.

You do not need to be a member of the Corvair Society of America to be a Corvair Preservation Foundation member.  Dues are $45 per year and will be processed through the CORSA web site.

Remember your CPF membership card admits you to the National Corvair Museum as many times as you want to visit.

Click HERE to become a Corvair Preservation Foundation  Member!

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