Join CORSA or Renew

To join CORSA or to renew your CORSA membership, fill out the electronic form below --or-- if you prefer hardcopy forms, download this hardcopy membership form, fill it out and mail it in with your check.

"Paper Option" gives you online and mailed versions of our CORSA Communique magazine, access to the members-only area of our website, and the right to attend our Annual International Convention. There may be
a four-to-six-week delay before you receive your first magazine by mail.

"eMember" option gives you all the benefits of the Paper option except the CORSA Communique is available online only.

Membership Options *
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Names will be shared with other visitors to the site.
Your state/province and country of residence will be shared with others so folks can find others in their community.
Examples: Google search, Facebook, Internet blog, Car magazine, Car show, Recommended by a friend, etc. Feel free to tell us more!